

Everything Changed - Aqualung

A-水塔先生 、:


歌曲名:Everything Changed



水塔从今天开始整理一些自己喜欢的专题,今天分享的是“那些温柔的男声”专题。   第一位推荐的歌手是Aqualung,,英国氧气罩乐队。Hale脆弱敏感的声线甚至被媒体拿来同Radiohead的Thom Yorke的相提并论。温暖的开始到温暖的结束,Hale温文耳语般的吟唱,钢琴的高低音结合,像微风吹过湖面交叠起的层层波纹荡漾开来。

Matt Hales出生英国南安普顿,家人经营一间独立唱片行,让Matt Hales很早便开启对音乐的兴趣,四岁就藉著家人的钢琴开始学创作,11岁给学校写了校歌,16岁领到奖学金去研习作曲能力,隔年完成第一首个人交响乐作品,自己指挥60人的管弦乐团演出。有著古典底子的Matt,对於时下流行的摇滚乐同样著迷不已,曾在念大学期间在校门口卖起与哥哥Ben翻唱The Police乐团歌曲的卡带。

Aqualung the solo project of Southampton-born Matt Hales, the former frontman of indie quartet, The 45s. 'Aqualung' was recorded in Hales' home studio and its lead track was featured on the 2002 VW Beetle TV/cinema ad campaign. B-Unique.

Magic drifted through the air

Touching everybody there

You came into my life so small

Altering, everything changed

I looked into my crystal ball

The future wasn't clear at all

And yesterday was hard enough

At the top of this precipice

Magic settled on the floor

And there she lived forever more

Turning minutes into hours & days

Tumbling, stumbling on

Nothing can be the same as it was

I know, I know

Nothing can be the same as it was

I know, I know


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